Friday, January 3, 2014

Raw and Green Tomato Soup

It might look weird, but it tastes great!

Raw vegetables are the best way to obtain 100% of the vitamins and minerals from the plant, as cooking the food over a temperature of approximately 118 degrees F. may destroy essential vitamins and live enzymes, cause chemical changes in the food and create acidic toxins.  Studies have shown that eating raw vegetables may reduce the risk of several different kinds of cancers. 

Remembering the above, this great tasting soup is served warm not hot.  If you have a soup setting on your blender, it will heat the soup to the perfect temperature and won't jeopardize the raw value of the food.

Blend together (makes about 6 servings):

- 6 (or so) Ripe, soft tomatoes

- 2 large carrots (topped and cut in half)

- 2 to 3 celery pieces (cut in half)

- 2 large leaf kale (only leaves, remove the stem)

- Handful of parsley

- Handful of cilantro

Blend on the soup setting if your blender has one, if not blend on high setting for 90 seconds or until the consistency desired is achieved.

Your soup setting will heat the soup to the proper temperature to remain raw, if you need to heat the soup up then put it on the stove to heat, (no microwaves), and don't heat past 118 degrees F.

A great healthy alternative to a can of high sodium tomato soup.


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