About the Blog

It's a Lifestyle! 

Everyone wants to feel better. Everyone wants to have more energy. Some want to lose a few pounds, some want to gain a few pounds. One thing we all have in common is that we want to live our lives the best way we can.

In today's busy world, you often hear many different excuses. "I have no time to make meals," "I'll just pick up McDonald's," "organic food costs too much," "I really don't like veggies," the list goes on and on.

My goal with this site is to show you how easy it is to eat healthy. I'll show you delicious recipes that you can make quickly and easily. I'll share different videos to watch, books to read, websites to browse, products to look for and, for the veggie dodgers, many different options to get in those ever-so-important nutrients (eluding to juicing here).

So check back often for updates, tell your friends, subscribe and share on Facebook and Twitter, and most of all, ENJOY YOUR LIFE!


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