A topic that stirs up controversy is fasting. The general perception is that our bodies require food every couple of hours to be considered healthy and that not eating throws the body into misalignment.
I've recently been asked by one of my readers to do an article on 24 hour fasts. What are the benefits, what are the drawbacks? I've done some research and what I've found about fasting is very interesting, and quite to the contrary of general beliefs.
First off, fasting is not for everyone. You need to be in good overall health to start with. People prone to serious blood sugar issues such as diabetes and the like, should obviously consult with their physician before fasting. It is actually a good practice to consult regularly with a physician about your health anyway. This way you can get a baseline of where you've been, and where you are currently. Try to find a good naturopathic physician since they will understand better as to your goals.
Fasting has been around for thousands of years. Fasting in both a religious and medical sense helps with the cleansing and purification of body and mind. It will aid in detoxing your digestive tract, liver, and kidneys. Fasting will also give the body a break from digestion and allow it to focus on the healing of other ailments throughout your body.
Your 24 hour fast should be on a day when you have nothing planned. For the full 24 hours drink plenty of water, nothing else. Remember that you are going to want to eat. You are conditioned to eat. In a 24 hour fast, you are going to realize how many times you reach for food due to boredom, stress, habit, peer pressure etc... Resist this urge and be committed to your fast. It is only 24 hours, and the self control that you show is a bench mark for further fasts.
Completing your 24 hour fast is going to give you a real sense of accomplishment. You are going to realize that you aren't going to die of starvation, you don't need to reach for food every couple of hours and you can alter your eating habits with this new knowledge. It is said that you have enough calories in your body to last 30 days without food. Most importantly you are giving your body a break so that it can focus on other healing.
Detoxing has certain effects on the body, most of which are positive, and a few that may be uncomfortable. You may notice bad breath, your energy levels may decrease and light headaches if you aren't drinking enough water are also possible. These are signs of cleansing and detox, they are normal and part of the fasting process. However remember, this is not a situation where you should fight through extreme uncomfort or pain. Your fast should be tolerable, not dangerous. If you experience a feeling like you are going to pass out, or feelings that vary from your norm, you need to end your fast and take in some calories. This is possibly due to blood sugar issues, or other underlying health conditions. It can also be from a poor diet. It is said that the healthier you are the less detox effects you are going to experience.
If you have to pull out of your fast, don't end it there. Take 30 days to change your diet to a more natural, healthy, plant based diet and then try again.
Just to be clear, doing a 24 hour fast is not going to rid your body of all that is evil. What it is going to do is put you on a path of self control, give you discipline, clear your mind and help your body to detoxify. After your first fast, plan another. Or better yet plan a longer fast or a juice fast. Once you get into a healthy routine, your body will become more efficient in cleansing. You will physically feel better in your day to day life, as well as feel better about yourself.
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