Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Weekday Veg

I'm not a vegetarian but I do believe that at least 70% or so of your diet should come from the earth.

The main portion of our meals is always the vegetable/fruit component, and I make a point to try and do at least 3 meatless days a week.

I came across a TED talk by Graham Hill, (founder of TreeHugger.com), who talks about a new concept called weekday veg, (or weekday vegetarian). I found this very interesting and thought I would share it.

Here are a few points that I learned:
  • A hamburger a day increases your risk of dieing by 1/3
  • The 10 billion animals raised for meat each year are kept in horrible factory farming environments, (I already knew this)
  • Meat production accounts for more emissions than all transportation combined
  • Beef production uses 100 times more water than most vegetable production does
  • Cutting your meat out for 5 days decreases your meat intake by 70%
You can catch the talk below. Spend 4 minutes and give it a watch.

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