Friday, April 27, 2012

Sweet Vision

A juice that keeps the eye doctor happy (or unhappy since you won't be going as often).

Carrots are full of Vitamin A, which among other things is great for your vision. Carrots are also full of antioxidants, fibre and minerals. Add apple, orange and ginger and you get a full complement of vitamins, as well as a great digestive aid with the ginger.

This is an excellent morning drink to replace your morning orange juice.
  • 4 to 6 organic carrots (tops off)
  • 1 organic apple
  • 1 organic orange
  • 1 slice of organic ginger (optional, if you like a little spice)
Juice it all up in your juicer, starting with the orange and ending with the carrots to flush out the juicer. (Always finish with the juiciest vegetables/fruit to flush out the remaining juice and pulp from the collector.)

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